Hey Adam! Can’t believe you really posted again! Love all your videos and your message! Hope that your experiences and issues are getting much better! Though I would like to question you about Datura, and Datura usage. I would love to see even a safety video from you on it. There’s even (I think) a really good song made about the substance itself. While legal its said to have a very powerful trip. Etc. Etc. Keep up with the good work!
6 years ago
9:33 all im thinking is “water first, water first, WATER FIRST” then he fucking dumps the powder in lmao
This gives me PTSD from when I tried HBWR, I didn’t get high at all but puked all fucking day and felt horrible.
6 years ago
Its cool you can put up all the stuff youtube hates here!!
5 years ago
4 x 5 = 25 😂😂🤔
6 years ago
nice experiment, I’d be surpsied to ssee it works without the MAO. However, thought I have about people who claims that can trip on root bark only – maybe they induced MAO but not being aware of it? Looks like there are multiple sources of beta carbolines i.e. tobacco smoke – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15582589 Would that mean that heavy smokers are more vulnerable to root bark / more likely suspectible to trip ? Maybe.
6 years ago
Hey Adam! Every now and then i get these weed trips where it’s like everything i heard from people who have done a psychedelic and I get there visuals for example Colour shifts and visuals how do I get this more often BTW i have never done any psychedelics other than weed Can you make a video on how to make weed more psychedelic or at least trick the mind into thinking it’s a psychedelic like acid through meditation or something (Basically how to make the weed more psychedelic with a thought if possible Please and thank you P.s. you… Read more »
Hey man, i get this as well and its really common for people whove done psychedelics before but ive never heard of it for someone whos never tripped. Im sure you could do it many ways but i find that being in the dark or staring into a mirror can really increase this effect, try looking at whatever it is very intensely and not moving your eyes away from the same spot. I hope this helps my man.
You should try cannabis milk infusion or cannabis butter with coco oil. You can get hig and experiment some strong effects/visual/auditiv funny speedy trip or ko on the sofa depend on the strain you use. It work good with leaves , so if u put buds, dont drive stay at home or in the woods and enjoy ! Eating cannabis is a real good way, for the whole body and mind 😉
Maybe make a video on tussin caps or robots-tripping?
6 years ago
Aw man, uncensored but you still silenced yourself saying “fuck you internet.” Instantly makes this video a 0/10.
Just kidding of course, thank you Adam for making videos at all, especially uncensored versions on your website! 🙂 It was cool seeing you hang with Dakota. I actually had a dream where I met him a few months ago. Dakota in my dream was super chill haha!
Another great video done by the always awesome Adam! Love your content and how you about advocating harm reduction and education.
Mr Kaka neery
5 years ago
i need a hook up the trips in my Country arent strong enough lol i need 5-10 tabs just for some trailers ffs get a better hit off legal highs and theyre shite Did i hear that right legal acid ? i used to buy mushroom kits and grow my own shrooms but they made them illegal also cant have any fun in the UK weeds still illegal
5 years ago
Hey Adam, can you do a video describing the effects of African dream root (I dont know if you already have and if he did can someone send me the link?) I have been having been trouble dreaming and I heard a rumor that it helps but maybe thats a myth
Joel Hanewich
5 years ago
Hey Adam, i believe this experiment should be done with Mimisa Hostilis (MHRB). It is this species that is believed to be psychoactive on its own. The Molecule they extracted is either an MAO inhibitor or its another psychoactive compound other than DMT. I believe the compound is called Yuremamine and is only found in the MHRB. Dennis McKenna had a talk about it. Would be a great idea for another video!
5 years ago
Bro why is Adam so mean to Dakota 😭
Paulo Wong
5 years ago
Hey man, about that tea… Here in Brazil we got one witchcraft cult that drink it, the tea is called “Vinho de Jurema” or Jurema Wine in english, is drinked in a cult here that is called “Catimbó”, they seek strenght and power from that tea… As they use to say “the real treasure and secret of Jurema lays under the ground” on the roots! Just tought u and Dakota would think interesting
4 years ago
god this gave me so many filthy frank body cake video vibes
4 years ago
never tried that dried bark version of dmt, i do have some changa with and without M.A.O inhibitors wich i smoked a few times, and i have a vape pen with 200 tks of dmt extracted from a vine called Jurema from the amazons, wich i procured via brasil!! but from all those mediums the pen is the true pisstaker on one´s mind!!!! 3õ
4 times 5 is 20. I think you both take too much drugs.
Hey Adam! Can’t believe you really posted again! Love all your videos and your message! Hope that your experiences and issues are getting much better! Though I would like to question you about Datura, and Datura usage. I would love to see even a safety video from you on it. There’s even (I think) a really good song made about the substance itself. While legal its said to have a very powerful trip. Etc. Etc. Keep up with the good work!
9:33 all im thinking is “water first, water first, WATER FIRST” then he fucking dumps the powder in lmao
This gives me PTSD from when I tried HBWR, I didn’t get high at all but puked all fucking day and felt horrible.
Its cool you can put up all the stuff youtube hates here!!
4 x 5 = 25 😂😂🤔
nice experiment, I’d be surpsied to ssee it works without the MAO. However, thought I have about people who claims that can trip on root bark only – maybe they induced MAO but not being aware of it? Looks like there are multiple sources of beta carbolines i.e. tobacco smoke – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15582589 Would that mean that heavy smokers are more vulnerable to root bark / more likely suspectible to trip ? Maybe.
Hey Adam! Every now and then i get these weed trips where it’s like everything i heard from people who have done a psychedelic and I get there visuals for example Colour shifts and visuals how do I get this more often BTW i have never done any psychedelics other than weed Can you make a video on how to make weed more psychedelic or at least trick the mind into thinking it’s a psychedelic like acid through meditation or something (Basically how to make the weed more psychedelic with a thought if possible Please and thank you P.s. you… Read more »
Hey man, i get this as well and its really common for people whove done psychedelics before but ive never heard of it for someone whos never tripped. Im sure you could do it many ways but i find that being in the dark or staring into a mirror can really increase this effect, try looking at whatever it is very intensely and not moving your eyes away from the same spot. I hope this helps my man.
I’ve only ever smoked weed but I had the similar experience to how people describe DMT, except I didn’t have any visual effects.
You should try cannabis milk infusion or cannabis butter with coco oil. You can get hig and experiment some strong effects/visual/auditiv funny speedy trip or ko on the sofa depend on the strain you use. It work good with leaves , so if u put buds, dont drive stay at home or in the woods and enjoy ! Eating cannabis is a real good way, for the whole body and mind 😉
Maybe make a video on tussin caps or robots-tripping?
Aw man, uncensored but you still silenced yourself saying “fuck you internet.” Instantly makes this video a 0/10.
Just kidding of course, thank you Adam for making videos at all, especially uncensored versions on your website! 🙂 It was cool seeing you hang with Dakota. I actually had a dream where I met him a few months ago. Dakota in my dream was super chill haha!
Another great video done by the always awesome Adam! Love your content and how you about advocating harm reduction and education.
i need a hook up the trips in my Country arent strong enough lol i need 5-10 tabs just for some trailers ffs get a better hit off legal highs and theyre shite Did i hear that right legal acid ? i used to buy mushroom kits and grow my own shrooms but they made them illegal also cant have any fun in the UK weeds still illegal
Hey Adam, can you do a video describing the effects of African dream root (I dont know if you already have and if he did can someone send me the link?) I have been having been trouble dreaming and I heard a rumor that it helps but maybe thats a myth
Hey Adam, i believe this experiment should be done with Mimisa Hostilis (MHRB). It is this species that is believed to be psychoactive on its own. The Molecule they extracted is either an MAO inhibitor or its another psychoactive compound other than DMT. I believe the compound is called Yuremamine and is only found in the MHRB. Dennis McKenna had a talk about it. Would be a great idea for another video!
Bro why is Adam so mean to Dakota 😭
Hey man, about that tea… Here in Brazil we got one witchcraft cult that drink it, the tea is called “Vinho de Jurema” or Jurema Wine in english, is drinked in a cult here that is called “Catimbó”, they seek strenght and power from that tea… As they use to say “the real treasure and secret of Jurema lays under the ground” on the roots! Just tought u and Dakota would think interesting
god this gave me so many filthy frank body cake video vibes
never tried that dried bark version of dmt, i do have some changa with and without M.A.O inhibitors wich i smoked a few times, and i have a vape pen with 200 tks of dmt extracted from a vine called Jurema from the amazons, wich i procured via brasil!! but from all those mediums the pen is the true pisstaker on one´s mind!!!! 3õ